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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2019

That’s cute now bring your uncle a beer shirt

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This is true. If you compare the usa to the That’s cute now bring your uncle a beer shirt, them of course it’ll seem like the US can’t hold a candle to anyone. It’s like comparing yourself to the best people in every category. I’m not as good at cooking as a top chef or as good at music as a concert pianist or as good at my business as the best commercial realtor but I’m still pretty damn good at all those things. Nothing to be ashamed of when you’re not the absolute best at everything. Many cities in the world have inferior and dirtier subway lines than nyc. Tokyo of course is the most impressive one of all. Buy this shirt:  That’s cute now bring your uncle a beer shirt http://trangtshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/that-s-cute-now-bring-your-uncle-a-beer-shirt.html https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/that-s-cute-now-bring-your-uncle-a-beer-shirt https://medium.com/@fashions/this-is-true-aa84c4b8e0fb

Daddy and daughter not always eye to eye but always heart to heart shirt

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If foreman and Tyson weren’t haymaker fighters then why does foreman have the Daddy and daughter not always eye to eye but always heart to heart shirt and Tyson the second hardest that’s all they did was throw haymakers. When he finally started fighting real fighters they were either handpicked smaller heavyweights like Moorer and Holyfield or past prime names like Cooney. Big George never wanted any part of Bowe, Lennox Lewis or Tyson. I promise you that. LBJ came here to retire. He cares less about winning! Why you ask? He had 7 better winning opportunities. Colin is one of the few sports reporters I do like. But they all seem to act as though the sports world needs them, like thwy are the ultimate part. Buy this shirt:  Daddy and daughter not always eye to eye but always heart to heart shirt https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/daddy-and-daughter-not-always-eye-to-eye-but-always-heart-to-heart-shirt http://trangtshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/daddy-and-daughter-not-...

Captain marvel Best cat dat ever vintage shirt

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Captain Marvel has been the focus of Captain marvel Best cat dat ever vintage shirt, critic AND troll attention. It has to set up the new tone and scope for Marvel Phase Four after Avengers Endgame. It is also a shining beacon of hope for greater representation of women in Hollywood and especially in blockbusters. A female superhero will head up the biggest blockbuster franchise in Hollywood after the inevitable Endgame losses. Some quarters will automatically hail it as a triumph in the same way Black Panther was somewhat over-praised. Buy this shirt:  Captain marvel Best cat dat ever vintage shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b56er7/captain_marvel_best_cat_dat_ever_vintage_shirt/ https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/captain-marvel-best-cat-dat-ever-vintage-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/marvel-best-cat-dat-ever

I don’t need google my wife knows everything shirt

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She is powerful in the action sequences and the I don’t need google my wife knows everything shirt. However, the biggest problem was that when the stakes were raised, the consequences high and the personal blows heavy – I simply didn’t care. Yes, everyone is right, the cat is a total scene-stealer but that really shouldn’t be the best thing about a movie. Marvel has such a great history is using left-field, lesser-known directors but Anna Fleck and Ryan Boden display neither mastery of the blockbuster form nor indie flair. The movie is overlong but uneven. Buy this shirt:  I don’t need google my wife knows everything shirt https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/i-don-t-need-google-my-wife-knows-everything-shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b56emw/i_dont_need_google_my_wife_knows_everything_shir/ https://www.gearbubble.com/google-wife-knows-everything

You are my sunshine Jeep sunflower shirt

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I felt detached for too much of the film despite such fine actors and You are my sunshine Jeep sunflower shirt. Marvel always does such a powerful job of combining humour with heart so that consequences, when they come, are complex and hit that bit harder. This is one of the only MCU movies that, for me, failed to do so. I never really understood the scale, stakes or actual point of the Kree-Skrull war so the big revelation was diminished. Similarly, when Carol Danvers finally figures out what really happened to her it should have brought her and the audiences to our knees. I might have shrugged. Buy this shirt:  You are my sunshine Jeep sunflower shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b56ejj/you_are_my_sunshine_jeep_sunflower_shirt/ https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/you-are-my-sunshine-jeep-sunflower-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/jeep-sunflower-shirt
http://bestcool.over-blog.com/2019/03/curly-headed-fuck-shirt.html http://bestcool.over-blog.com/2019/03/it-takes-two-coffee-and-wine-to-make-a-day-go-right-shirt.html http://bestcool.over-blog.com/2019/03/yoga-i-m-in-a-really-good-place-spiritually-so-please-fuck-off-namaste-shirt.html https://www.gearbubble.com/goose-dont-mess-flerkin https://www.gearbubble.com/gerbera-daisy-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/galaxy-can-anything-goose https://www.gearbubble.com/type-girl-perfectly-happy https://www.gearbubble.com/distracted-birds-shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/bestcoolshirt/comments/b4g1ug/softball_diamonds_are_a_girls_best_friend_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/bestcoolshirt/comments/b4g1ws/curly_headed_fuck_shirt/ https://www.reddit.com/user/bestcoolshirt/comments/b4g21u/it_takes_two_coffee_and_wine_to_make_a_day_go/ https://www.reddit.com/user/bestcoolshirt/comments/b4g24b/yoga_im_in_a_really_good_place_spiritually_so/
https://linkhay.com/link/2649338/cat-in-the-galaxy-where-you-can-be-anything-be-goose-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2649339/iam-the-type-of-girl-who-is-perfectly-happy-with-campfire-and-wine-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2649340/easily-distracted-by-birds-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2649341/autism-until-all-the-pieces-fit-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2649342/midnight-club-los-angeles-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2649343/if-iam-drunk-itas-my-bowling-friendas-fault-shirt http://bestcool.over-blog.com/2019/03/national-line-dance-day-jan-1-dec-31-shirt.html http://bestcool.over-blog.com/2019/03/cat-goose-i-can-fight-thanos-alone-shirt.html http://bestcool.over-blog.com/2019/03/softball-sunflower-love-shirt.html http://bestcool.over-blog.com/2019/03/softball-diamonds-are-a-girls-best-friend-shirt.html
https://bestcoolshirt.wordpress.com/2019/03/23/national-line-dance-day-jan-1-dec-31-shirt/ https://bestcoolshirt.wordpress.com/2019/03/23/cat-goose-i-can-fight-thanos-alone-shirt/ https://bestcoolshirt.wordpress.com/2019/03/23/softball-sunflower-love-shirt/ https://bestcoolshirt.wordpress.com/2019/03/23/softball-diamonds-are-a-girls-best-friend-shirt/ https://bestcoolshirt.wordpress.com/2019/03/23/curly-headed-fuck-shirt/ https://bestcoolshirt.wordpress.com/2019/03/23/it-takes-two-coffee-and-wine-to-make-a-day-go-right-shirt/ https://bestcoolshirt.wordpress.com/2019/03/23/yoga-im-in-a-really-good-place-spiritually-so-please-fuck-off-namaste-shirt/ https://linkhay.com/link/2649332/cat-goose-donat-mess-with-the-flerkin-sunset-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2649335/dragonfly-gerbera-daisy-shirt
https://doantrangno08.wixsite.com/website/home/cat-goose-don-t-mess-with-the-flerkin-sunset-shirt https://doantrangno08.wixsite.com/website/home/dragonfly-gerbera-daisy-shirt https://doantrangno08.wixsite.com/website/home/cat-in-the-galaxy-where-you-can-be-anything-be-goose-shirt https://doantrangno08.wixsite.com/website/home/i-m-the-type-of-girl-who-is-perfectly-happy-with-campfire-and-wine-shirt https://doantrangno08.wixsite.com/website/home/easily-distracted-by-birds-shirt https://doantrangno08.wixsite.com/website/home/autism-until-all-the-pieces-fit-shirt https://doantrangno08.wixsite.com/website/home/midnight-club-los-angeles-shirt https://doantrangno08.wixsite.com/website/home/if-i-m-drunk-it-s-my-bowling-friend-s-fault-shirt

Deebo’s bike rental that’s my bike punk Los Angeles EST. 1995 shirt

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This cannot be easy to actually give the Deebo’s bike rental that’s my bike punk Los Angeles EST. 1995 shirt! I cannot believe that it will not course hudge emotional trauma later along the long life off all involved. They must be a little slow if they can’t figure out why the surrogate is breastfeeding. Geez! I don’t even try to explain things to people that out there. This story was beautiful, I wish I could have done that, but I was not on the cutting edge of technology when I found out I couldn’t carry, IVF was brand new and we tried, but I ended up with a full hysterectomy. Buy this shirt:  Deebo’s bike rental that’s my bike punk Los Angeles EST. 1995 shirt https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/deebo-s-bike-rental-that-s-my-bike-punk-los-angeles-est-1995-shirt http://fsh.strikingly.com/blog/deebo-s-bike-rental-that-s-my-bike-punk-los-angeles-est-1995-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/bike-rental-thats-bike

Queenuts Queen’s Freddie Mercury in the style of Peanuts shirt

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They made a mistake letting him go last year and Queenuts Queen’s Freddie Mercury in the style of Peanuts shirt! He doesn’t need American Idol, but if he’s on again, I’ll watch!  I remember something like that happened with Colton Dixon several years ago. He originally wasn’t going to audition again when he went to support his sister, and they both made it to Hollywood. I’d tell them to take that ticket and shove it, honestly. He found his confidence without them. The people who don’t win American Idol can make something for themselves. Buy this shirt:  Queenuts Queen’s Freddie Mercury in the style of Peanuts shirt http://fsh.strikingly.com/blog/queenuts-queen-s-freddie-mercury-in-the-style-of-peanuts-shirt https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/queenuts-queen-s-freddie-mercury-in-the-style-of-peanuts-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/queens-freddie-mercury-style

Shamrock Rockin’ the exhausted show mom life BBQ shirt

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He was one of my favorites from last year, that got cut too soon, Shamrock Rockin’ the exhausted show mom life BBQ shirt. But, he has improved! The young lady is good. She was nervous, bless her heart! Who wouldn’t be?!But, she is country and I love it! They both will make it far in this competition and they very well could be standing side by side when the winner is announced! Loving Idol this season ah heck. I love American Idol every season! I feel bad for her. She’s talented in her own right and as amazing as he is, they fished over him and made it about him. Buy this shirt:  Shamrock Rockin’ the exhausted show mom life BBQ shirt https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/shamrock-rockin-the-exhausted-show-mom-life-bbq-shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b2uki3/shamrock_rockin_the_exhausted_show_mom_life_bbq/ https://www.gearbubble.com/rockin-exhausted-show-mom

I didn’t wash my hair today jesus loves me anyway shirt

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Both are great singers with I didn’t wash my hair today jesus loves me anyway shirt. I listened to it again tried look her alone really I def love her voice my favorite style. Little bit Shania, Reba of course Allison also. I still think can be good future for both them in relationship I mean look both them. Sure I know nothing about his gf but I can say I think both them are proud way both preformed here. She only made it to Hollywood because Laine was with her in the room. If she would have auditioned alone, work on your voice and try again next year would have been the decision. Buy this shirt:  I didn’t wash my hair today jesus loves me anyway shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b2ukf9/i_didnt_wash_my_hair_today_jesus_loves_me_anyway/ https://www.gearbubble.com/hair-today-jesus-loves-anyway https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/i-didn-t-wash-my-hair-today-jesus-loves-me-anyway-shirt

Moo point it’s like a cow’s opinion it just doesn’t matter shirt

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Sherry Lobell he didn’t intend to Moo point it’s like a cow’s opinion it just doesn’t matter shirt. But she wouldn’t have made it had he not been there. She knew he’d improve her chances. Jodi Limes I’m not assuming. Coming from a small town and going to a big city, I’d bring someone too. Plus, hearing it with a guitar is better than no guitar. May help her timing. They probably live a little over five minutes down the road from each other. We don’t live in a town. We live in a community and it isn’t on the map. Buy this shirt:  Moo point it’s like a cow’s opinion it just doesn’t matter shirt https://www.teezily.com/opinion-it-just-doesnt-matter-shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b2ukcf/moo_point_its_like_a_cows_opinion_it_just_doesnt/ https://linkhay.com/link/2639654/moo-point-itas-like-a-cowas-opinion-it-just-doesnat-matter-shirt

Yes they are all mine shirt

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No doubt about it, however I just think Yes they are all mine shirt, a fan/show favorite would obviously get some attention. Laine is so down to earth and loved by many many fans. Maybe they can partner up, because those two together would knock a song out of this park together! As far as Mom bring him maybe so his gf didn’t suspect them going further than friends. However unless he very dedicated to his relationship than I see in future these 2 taking friendship to possibility to next level. She is very cute n seem have similar personality interests may help help bond. Some one mention way she looks at him well sure sparkle in her eyes no doubt. Buy this shirt:  Yes they are all mine shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b2ukak/yes_they_are_all_mine_shirt/ https://www.teezily.com/yes-they-are-all-mine-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2639651/yes-they-are-all-mine-shirt

Either you gone marry me or let me do Bald headed shit shirt

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Ok the girl was good but he was better. Either you gone marry me or let me do Bald headed shit shirt. And 7 out of ten changes the person who gets that deal or that type of deal would take it. Kenneth Bayard so the original post was about how the judges handled her audition. No one has denied his talent or feel he doesn’t deserve to be there. My comment was strictly about the way the judges behaved.  I’m glad he’s back, he is awesome and I rooted for him last year. But I wish it was separate from hers. Surely that made her feel some sort of way. Not the first time that happened. Buy this shirt:  Either you gone marry me or let me do Bald headed shit shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/either-gone-marry-let https://fr.quora.com/blog/https-lalakeshirt-com/Either-you-gone-marry-me-or-let-me-do-Bald-headed-shit-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2639646/either-you-gone-marry-me-or-let-me-do-bald-headed-s-shirt

Chicken of course I talk to myself sometimes I need expert advice shirt

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I am currently balling my eyes out waiting for my kids to wake up. She literally touched my soul!! I dont care if Chicken of course I talk to myself sometimes I need expert advice shirt! This momma will be buying a CD, no doubt. So much talent! Welcome to the US 🇺🇸, girl! Make those dreams come true!! This show made me dislike Katy Perry. She’s hyper-aware of the cameras, and she makes no effort to hide it. It’s as if her every facial expression is intended to be made into a GIF, every mannerism meant to be made into a cute clip. She even tries to steal the spotlight from those auditioning. Buy this shirt:  Chicken of course I talk to myself sometimes I need expert advice shirt https://fr.quora.com/blog/https-lalakeshirt-com/Chicken-of-course-I-talk-to-myself-sometimes-I-need-expert-advice-shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/chicken-course-talk-sometimes https://linkhay.com/link/2639644/chicken-of-course-i-talk-to-myself-sometimes-i-need-expert-advice-shirt

Home is where you put your Flamingos camping shirt

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So sorry for your loss and he is with Home is where you put your Flamingos camping shirt! You’re a beautiful woman with a beautiful soul and I wish you the most amazing journey! Jaime Calderón I don’t think she feels anyhow. She feels the same as everyone of us when you here a talent. You enjoy and listen. She was cheering and excited for her. Other people just project there negative views on others. I’m so happy that there are platforms like this to expose the various talents we don’t normally get to see! God is so big that every race can carry great gifts like this. The world definitely needs to hear her voice! I’m excited for her journey. Buy this shirt:  Home is where you put your Flamingos camping shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/home-put-flamingos https://fr.quora.com/blog/https-lalakeshirt-com/Home-is-where-you-put-your-Flamingos-camping-shirt http://trangtshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/home-is-where-you-put-your-flamingos-camping-shirt.html

Will trade sister for wine shirt

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I love the words of Will trade sister for wine shirt – wise, sensitive, intuitive – I have a Noticer as well and he tugs at my heartstrings daily. We are all magnets to goodness, greatness, and kindness. I am just one person who is among a chain of beautiful people who choose to live their life by being kind. We are truly all one. You and I have been brought together for a reason. When I was five, my parents took my sister and me to the home of family friends. Buy this shirt:  Will trade sister for wine shirt https://www.teezily.com/will-trade-sister-for-wine-shirt https://medium.com/@nowbest/will-trade-sister-for-wine-shirt-e63fe9f4def https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b1pu9q/will_trade_sister_for_wine_shirt/

I’m retired my job is to collect Busch Light Corks shirt

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I walked into a drug store to get an I’m retired my job is to collect Busch Light Corks shirt. I’d just left my sick cat at the vet, and there was a good chance I might lose him. In my despair, I was searching for a glimmer of hope. I noticed the extreme patience offered by the cashier to the elderly woman in front of me. When I commended her for it, the cashier shared a beautiful perspective that emerged after her mother’s passing. Buy this shirt:  I’m retired my job is to collect Busch Light Corks shirt https://medium.com/@nowbest/i-walked-into-a-drug-store-to-get-an-im-retired-my-job-is-to-collect-busch-light-corks-shirt-74473df4906c https://www.teezily.com/collect-busch-light-corks-shirt http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/i-m-retired-my-job-is-to-collect-busch-light-corks-shirt.html

I’m retired my job is to collect Miller Lite Corks shirt

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The cashier’s words eased my hurting heart that day and gave me hope I’m retired my job is to collect Miller Lite Corks shirt. When I shared my experience in a blog post, the woman went on to inspire a quarter-of-a-million people. I felt she needed to know the difference she’d made in my life and in the world with her kindness. Buy this shirt:  I’m retired my job is to collect Miller Lite Corks shirt https://www.teezily.com/collect-miller-lite-corks-shirt https://nemo69884638.wordpress.com/2019/03/16/im-retired-my-job-is-to-collect-miller-lite-corks-shirt/ http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/i-m-retired-my-job-is-to-collect-miller-lite-corks-shirt.html

I’m retired my job is to collect Bud Light Corks shirt

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It’s very unfair. If it had to happen, should happened in a violent country, like I’m retired my job is to collect Bud Light Corks shirt. We’re pretty used to it at this point. Christine Hartman yeah but it’s the first time it has happened here which is why it is such a shock. This will always occur as long as we see color and religion instead of one species. Please in the near future there must be a way to identify humans planning such attacks. Buy this shirt:  I’m retired my job is to collect Bud Light Corks shirt https://nemo69884638.wordpress.com/2019/03/16/im-retired-my-job-is-to-collect-bud-light-corks-shirt/ https://www.teezily.com/collect-bud-light-corks-shirt http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/i-m-retired-my-job-is-to-collect-bud-light-corks-shirt.html

Zack Boychuk Followed Me Jk Wait Jk Again Shirt

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Different diagnosis but same results, feelings. Beautifully expressed & very Zack Boychuk Followed Me Jk Wait Jk Again Shirt. A small underground chapel marks the exact location where Saint Anthony was born in 1195. His optical characteristics of juxtaposed colors and geometric planes contrast, explore and act as anti-thesis to the dramatic and emotion-laden themes — that while betrayal, pain, sorrow, and death thematically and spatially occupy significantly on his canvas, its contrast such as loyalty, comfort, and resurrection balances the visual equation. Buy this shirt:  Zack Boychuk Followed Me Jk Wait Jk Again Shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/boychuk-followed-jk-wait-jk https://nemo69884638.wordpress.com/2019/03/16/zack-boychuk-followed-me-jk-wait-jk-again-shirt/ http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/zack-boychuk-followed-me-jk-wait-jk-again-shirt.html

My princess name is drinking beauty shirt

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It surprises me how often it surprises other people when you have this My princess name is drinking beauty shirt. When someone’s reaction to our toddler dropping food on himself is oh no and my response is this is what washing machines are for. When the tween fumbles and drops something, it’s only a glass. We can buy more if we run out. Are you hurt? There are so many things in life to stress about, why not let go of the ones that don’t matter? I truly am my harshest critic and this is why your messages are so important for me. Buy this shirt:  My princess name is drinking beauty shirt https://nemo69884638.wordpress.com/2019/03/16/my-princess-name-is-drinking-beauty-shirt/ https://www.gearbubble.com/princess-name-is-drinking https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/My-princess-name-is-drinking-beauty-shirt-789803702

National drink beer day April 7th every day shirt

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One where we stand firm in the knowledge (not just a belief) that we do deserve kindness, grace and National drink beer day April 7th every day shirt. You are right – having been labeled ‘overly emotional’ for as long as I can remember it makes it tough to want to admit the real feelings when they are there! Hang in there my dear, this path will feel so good once we let it! I have noted an important distinction in how Rachel’s children respond to her sensitive and emotive nature and how mine does. Buy this shirt:  National drink beer day April 7th every day shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/national-drink-beer-day-april https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/national-drink-beer-day-april-7th-every-shirt-nemoshirt-nicefrogtee/ https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/National-drink-beer-day-April-7th-every-day-shirt-789803650

Coconut plus wine plus flip flop shirt

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I am so sorry. I smile at the beautiful names of your cats – Pumpkin and Coconut plus wine plus flip flop shirt. The love shines through. I hope that Pumpkin surprises everyone with her longevity! I love this so much I had tears in my eyes reading this. You are the most amazing person. You have so much gratitude and love in you and see the best in people. Yes, it is so very important to recognize when someone does something nice or good. I try to live by this as well. It makes me feel good to give that kindness to others. Buy this shirt:  Coconut plus wine plus flip flop shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/coconut-plus-wine-flip-flop-shirt-nemoshirt-nicefrogtee/ https://www.gearbubble.com/plus-wine-plus-flip-flop https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/Coconut-plus-wine-plus-flip-flop-shirt-789803473

April the 7th is National beer day like we need an excuse shirt

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I am the principal of a very April the 7th is National beer day like we need an excuse shirt – your FB posts are so strikingly meaningful to my work every day. The stories you share resonate with me and I am privileged to read your work. I am so honored by this affirmation, Christine! I was a special ed teacher for 10 years and understand how taxing your job is and how critical your leadership, wisdom, guidance, and support is to the teachers and students in your community! Thank you for all that you do. Buy this shirt:  April the 7th is National beer day like we need an excuse shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2633796/april-the-7th-is-national-beer-day-like-we-need-an-excuse-shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/april-7th-national-beer-day-like-we-need-excuse-shirt-nicefrogtee/ https://www.deviantart.com/lovingteeshirts/art/April-the-7th-is-National-beer-day-like-we-shirt-789803457

Dogs and Dr Pepper make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt

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I just wonder if all the Brexiteers suddenly lose their Dogs and Dr Pepper make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt. Our government has little intention of responding to the decision of the majority voters, which would be marginally acceptable if their decisions were based on care of the country, However, I suspect it has far more to do with their jobs, their pensions, and their future. Buy this shirt:  Dogs and Dr Pepper make me happy humans make my head hurt shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/dogs-dr-pepper-make-me-happy-humans-my-head-hurt-nicefrogtee/ https://linkhay.com/link/2633795/dogs-and-dr-pepper-make-me-happy-humans-make-my-head-hurt-shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/dogs-and-dr-pepper-make-me-happy-humans-make-my-head-hurt-shirt

Never fuck with someone who is not afraid of being alone you will lose every single time shirt

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I know it’s not much but I’m sending love Never fuck with someone who is not afraid of being alone you will lose every single time shirt, I’m praying that each Heart reading this would feel sparkles of joy start to well up in your heart and that you gain strength not you’re not alone. I feel like this too. But I’m cheering you on! Go out in the sunshine, go out in nature, rest, take care of yourself, play music that makes you wanna dance in your heart…I know these are not cures, but they can help. You are always so real and inspiring with talking about the real stuff like this Kandee, and i think that you are an amazing sweet person even though we’ve never met. Buy this shirt:  Never fuck with someone who is not afraid of being alone you will lose every single time shirt https://www.teezily.com/never-fuck-with-someone-who-shirt https://fr.quora.com/blog/https-lalakeshirt-com/Never-fuck-with-someone-who-is-not-afraid-of-being-alone-you-will-lose-every-single-time-shirt http://...

Fuck Trump if you like Trump fuck you too shirt

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Please look into Thermography as an Fuck Trump if you like Trump fuck you too shirt. Mammograms are controversial because of false positives and radiation levels. Thermography is painless, accurate, and safe. Some people, have stood right next to us, we might look at their pictures that look happy or even they look like they’ve reached success. You could be standing next to someone that’s barely hanging on, and not know it. Some people we know are probably struggling with hurt and things they don’t even talk about. Buy this shirt:  Fuck Trump if you like Trump fuck you too shirt https://fr.quora.com/blog/https-lalakeshirt-com/Fuck-Trump-if-you-like-Trump-fuck-you-too-shirt https://www.teezily.com/fuck-trump-if-you-like-trump-shirt http://trangtshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/fuck-trump-if-you-like-trump-fuck-you-too-shirt.html

If swearing burned calories I’d be a skinny Bitch by now shirt

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Today I see a surgeon, yet again, on this ongoing health journey of If swearing burned calories I’d be a skinny Bitch by now shirt. Through you I have learned to advocate for myself, to stand strong when I know something is NOT right, and to hold tight to the good moments when the bad ones overtake me. Many blessings to you today and every day as we navigate the one and only life we have with the one and only body we are given.  I had that friend who encouraged me to insist we find answers. Buy this shirt:  If swearing burned calories I’d be a skinny Bitch by now shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/swearing-burned-calories http://fsh.strikingly.com/blog/if-swearing-burned-calories-i-d-be-a-skinny-bitch-by-now-shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangshirts/art/If-swearing-burned-calories-Id-be-a-skinny-shirt-788687806

I was taught to think before I act so if I smack the crap out of you shirt

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I am so sorry! I love how you have chosen to shift your perspective to the I was taught to think before I act so if I smack the crap out of you shirt. That is huge! Sending so much love! Thank you for taking care of you. You are precious. I knew it was more than that. Preliminary hormone/thyroid test came back “normal”, they offered me an antidepressant and a hormone patch. I said “no thank you” and found a doctor that would look deeper. In a nutshell, my hormones and vitamin levels were way off. I now receive bioidentical hormone therapy and take supplements. Buy this shirt:  I was taught to think before I act so if I smack the crap out of you shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangshirts/art/I-was-taught-to-think-before-I-act-so-if-shirt-788687744 https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/taught-think-act-smack http://fsh.strikingly.com/blog/i-was-taught-to-think-before-i-act-so-if-i-smack-the-crap-out-of-you-shirt

Dr. Seuss be who you are and say that you feel because those who mind don’t Matter shirt

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I don’t like Dr. Seuss be who you are and say that you feel because those who mind don’t Matter shirt. He ordered an MRI that found cancer. It was caught early and it should not affect my lifespan. It was a valuable lesson to me to trust myself and not let outside voices stand louder than my own. hank you for months on end I have been going from Dr to dr and get told the same thing over can’t find the problem sudden I met with a new specialist and for once I found a Dr who actually listens I had surgery a week ago and am getting better by the day my medical condition is however a permanent one so no cure but just finding. Buy this shirt:  Dr. Seuss be who you are and say that you feel because those who mind don’t Matter shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/dr-seuss-say-feel-mind http://fsh.strikingly.com/blog/dr-seuss-be-who-you-are-and-say-that-you-feel-because-those-who-mind-don-t https://www.deviantart.com/trangshirts/art/Dr-Seuss-be-who-you-are-and-say-that-you...

Nursing school it’s doable with a friend shirt

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I resonate with this. In October my 6 year old daughter was telling us that things were blurry near and Nursing school it’s doable with a friend shirt, she had bad headaches, was seeing double sometimes and words were moving…yes moving around on the page. We went to a pediatric opthomologist who told us she was faking it, her pediatrician said she has seen some kids with this and they learn to live with it. Well those were not answers for this mama! I kept researching and learning about what it might be. Buy this shirt:  Nursing school it’s doable with a friend shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangshirts/art/Nursing-school-its-doable-with-a-friend-shirt-788687587 https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/nursing-school-doable-friend http://fsh.strikingly.com/blog/nursing-school-it-s-doable-with-a-friend-shirt

I’m the favoritr Aunt shirt

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I must care for myself as I care for the ones I love. I’m the favoritr Aunt shirt: I need nourishment. I need rest. I need playtime. I need love. I need medical attention if something’s not right. We all do. And sometimes this important reminder is given to us through the words of a kind stranger working in an imaging center or through an author on the Internet AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME. If it hurts somewhere in your body or mind, believe yourself. You know. Keep seeking answers until you find a medical professional who says, “Yes, something is amiss.” Don’t give up. You story is not over. There is so much life yet to experience. Buy this shirt:  I’m the favoritr Aunt shirt https://medium.com/@fashions/i-must-care-for-myself-as-i-care-for-the-ones-i-love-8c0800e060fe https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/im-favoritr-aunt-shirt-funnyshirts-shirt/ https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/i-m-the-favoritr-aunt-shirt

Don’t mess with mamasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt

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I arrived at the Don’t mess with mamasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt. I wondered if the technician would say something about me being a few months late. She didn’t. In fact, as soon as the technician began speaking, it was clear I was right on time. How long have you had this pain?” she asked, ready to jot down my response on the form in hand. I wasn’t expecting that—that human response in this sterile room with ominous machines, cold floors, and exposing gowns that made me feel small and scared. Buy this shirt:  Don’t mess with mamasaurus you’ll get jurasskicked shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/dont-mess-mamasaurus-youll-get-jurasskicked-shirt-funnyshirts-shirt/ https://medium.com/@fashions/i-arrived-at-the-dont-mess-with-mamasaurus-you-ll-get-jurasskicked-shirt-730c30657d2d https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/don-t-mess-with-mamasaurus-you-ll-get-jurasskicked-shirt

So there is this boy who kinda stole my heart he calls me mimi shirt

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Our clients or perspective clients are also tired of contributing, So there is this boy who kinda stole my heart he calls me mimi shirt. They already know they are being exploited but they cannot find options. We still believe we are contributing to the “greater good”; meanwhile we are going down. We drown in our desire for altruism. Sure, we are scared but we cannot help people if we get our spirit, confidence, energy and life force is sucked out of us. Interestingly enough, besides our clients, nature often possesses wisdom we do not. A mother bird always saves a few worms for herself. Buy this shirt:  So there is this boy who kinda stole my heart he calls me mimi shirt https://medium.com/@fashions/our-clients-or-perspective-clients-are-also-tired-of-contributing-so-there-is-this-boy-who-kinda-2e3fad93de65 https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/so-there-is-this-boy-who-kinda-stole-my-heart-he-calls-me-mimi-shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/so-boy-who-kinda-stole-...

Don’t flatter yourself I only look up to you because I’m short shirt

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I have now come to an even greater conviction that there is only one way to prevent the exploitation of Don’t flatter yourself I only look up to you because I’m short shirt. That way as I see it is for trained, ethical, hard working therapists to gather enough strength, stand up, and open their own practices. Or, at least diversify, and have a side practice as a safety net for themselves. Stand up and walk. Walk to a destination beyond our comfort zone. We also need to learn. Sure we are scared because college only taught us to work for someone else and not for ourselves. Buy this shirt:  Don’t flatter yourself I only look up to you because I’m short shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/dont-flatter-yourself-i-only-look-up-you-because-im-short-shirt/ https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/don-t-flatter-yourself-i-only-look-up-to-you-because-i-m-short-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2615425/donat-flatter-yourself-i-only-look-up-to-you-because-iam-short-shirt

Flamingo I’m retired my job is to collect Hennessy corks shirt

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Located in Balineen Co. Cork, Hennessy Transport provide a wide range of Flamingo I’m retired my job is to collect Hennessy corks shirt. They’re a class job, the new design in the colors looks really well.  “It’s a genuine privilege to share Christie’s incredible music with audiences around the country” Aonghus McAnally brings his “Celebrating Christie Hennessy – The Platinum Collection” show to Cork Opera House. Do not miss this special and poignant show. Buy this shirt:  Flamingo I’m retired my job is to collect Hennessy corks shirt http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/flamingo-i-m-retired-my-job-is-to-collect-hennessy-corks-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/retired-job-collect-hennessy https://www.deviantart.com/trangtshirt/art/Flamingo-Im-retired-my-job-collect-Hennessy-shirt-787701338

Chicken Pig Cow I’d smoke that BBQ shirt

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This is the one area where we really need to Chicken Pig Cow I’d smoke that BBQ shirt. If we could grow our own livestock food, it would save us thousands a year. Who the hell decided that only certain mammals are animals whats the rest – furniture? And birds a chicken is a bird just as an exotic parrot. I have a serious question if I go vegan do I have to go anti-vax as well? And can I use being vegan as an excuse not to get the flu vax at work? Buy this shirt:  Chicken Pig Cow I’d smoke that BBQ shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangtshirt/art/Chicken-Pig-Cow-Id-smoke-that-BBQ-shirt-787701314 http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/chicken-pig-cow-i-d-smoke-that-bbq-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/chicken-pig-cow-id-smoke-bbq

I am so ready to drink in wine flip flops shirt

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Damn shame it is not Warwick Davis coming back from the I am so ready to drink in wine flip flops shirt. He is what made the films enjoyable IMO. I enjoy the nostalgia of these movies… We’ve all seen worse. I’ll watch it just to say hey they tried. Tiffany Rae Ellison, I was excited too, I couldn’t believe they had us waiting all those years, for something horrible like that! Tiffany Rae Ellison, I actually liked the cult of Chucky and can’t wait for the next one. The acting was crap but that’s to be expected for these type of movies Buy this shirt:  I am so ready to drink in wine flip flops shirt http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/i-am-so-ready-to-drink-in-wine-flip-flops-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2601011/i-am-so-ready-to-drink-in-wine-flip-flops-shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangtshirt/art/I-am-so-ready-to-drink-in-wine-flip-flops-shirt-787701285

Soccer Irish Girl Dabbing Bling St Patrick’s Day shirt

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Is it me or does this person look like a cross breed from gold or-of power rangers? I need Soccer Irish Girl Dabbing Bling St Patrick’s Day shirt. Does anyone know if this will be in theaters or straight to DVD? I know we all had a great time in Ireland. He’s a way for us to reminisce Thao and Kathy!  Least they have one old charter still in it. And just aged the little green shit head lmao I’m going to see it. Does Gina Lynne remember scaring the shit outta me with this movie?! To this day I can’t watch any scary movies. Buy this shirt:  Soccer Irish Girl Dabbing Bling St Patrick’s Day shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2601009/soccer-irish-girl-dabbing-bling-st-patrickas-day-shirt http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/soccer-irish-girl-dabbing-bling-st-patrick-s-day-shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangtshirt/art/Soccer-Irish-Girl-Dabbing-Bling-Patrick-Day-shirt-787701238

Bud Light queen Intelligent well educated classy sassy a bit smart assy who say fuck a lot shirt

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This is what people don’t want to see or hear about “Bud Light queen Intelligent well educated classy sassy a bit smart assy who say fuck a lot shirt“. No excuse for suffering, no excuse for ignorance, no excuse. That’s why I raise my own meat with love and compassion. They get plenty of food, fresh clean water, and shelter. They have good lives with one bad day. Very quick, clean shot in the head. Until everyone’s vegan, let’s work on humane laws, this is flat out wrong. Buy this shirt:  Bud Light queen Intelligent well educated classy sassy a bit smart assy who say fuck a lot shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/bud-light-queen-intelligent-well-educated-classy-sassy-a-bit-smart-assy-who-say-fuck-a-lot-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2601006/bud-light-queen-intelligent-well-educated-classy-sassy-a-bit-smart-assy-who-say-f-a-lot-shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Bud-Light-queen-Intelligent-well-educated-classy-sassy-a-bit-smart-assy-wh...

Kiss me and bring me a beer St. Patrick’s Day shirt

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Anything is better than Leprechaun Origins.  I can’t hear hehe without thinking of Kiss me and bring me a beer St. Patrick’s Day shirt anyways I wanna see it.  I can’t hear hehe without thinking of Michael Jackson anyways I wanna see it. I’ll give it a good week before it’s up there. Have you ever seen a trailer so bad you feel bad for all the untalented actors in it? To be fair all these movies were pretty bad, that’s what made them so great. Buy this shirt:  Kiss me and bring me a beer St. Patrick’s Day shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Kiss-me-and-bring-me-a-beer-St-Patrick-s-Day-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2601005/kiss-me-and-bring-me-a-beer-st-patrickas-day-shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/kiss-me-and-bring-me-a-beer-st-patricks-day-shirt

Mtn Dew my spirit animal is a drunk unicorn who stabs annoying people shirt

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Just preserving the meat for it to hit my smoker so I can grub Unicorn Dabbing Mtn Dew my spirit animal is a drunk unicorn who stabs annoying people shirt up.  I would love to hear a truck full of screaming freezing pigs go by! One person that you save from the ones that already died from the cold would equal to a gazillion. The thing I boycott is stupidity and that includes this post. Do you guys have an actual interesting article? Stop stuttering. Buy this shirt:  Mtn Dew my spirit animal is a drunk unicorn who stabs annoying people shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/mtn-dew-my-spirit-animal-is-a-drunk-unicorn-who-stabs-annoying-people-shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Mtn-Dew-my-spirit-animal-is-a-drunk-unicorn-who-stabs-annoying-people-shirt http://nicefrogstes.over-blog.com/2019/03/mtn-dew-my-spirit-animal-is-a-drunk-unicorn-who-stabs-annoying-people-shirt.html

Just a girl in love with her camper and her wine shirt

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I know that yer heeding the Dr’s advice! And making sure Mam and Colette are getting their Just a girl in love with her camper and her wine shirt!!! Sorry, Miriam, you’ll have to jump on the bandwagon. When I drink my 2 16oz drinks in the evening I get good and drink now mind you those 16oz drinks would be straight Jim Beam and I would think they are not good for my liver. That’s why I don’t drink anymore. Buy this shirt:  Just a girl in love with her camper and her wine shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Just-a-girl-in-love-with-her-camper-and-her-wine-shirt http://nicefrogstes.over-blog.com/2019/03/just-a-girl-in-love-with-her-camper-and-her-wine-shirt.html https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/just-a-girl-in-love-with-her-camper-and-her-wine-shirt

It’s another half mile or so vintage shirt

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This is a scenic road without It’s another half mile or so vintage shirt. There are many families, children, and animals who reside along this road. It is long and beautiful, sometimes narrow at parts, and covered in overhanging trees (and unfortunately other people’s garbage that they carelessly threw out their window while driving down our scenic road)! While this is horrible and disappointing, the thing that bothers me most and is most dangerous is the speeding. Buy this shirt:  It’s another half mile or so vintage shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/it-s-another-half-mile-or-so-vintage-shirt http://nicefrogstes.over-blog.com/2019/03/it-s-another-half-mile-or-so-vintage-shirt.html https://trangshirt.livejournal.com/2393.html

FBI Full Blooded Irish St. Patrick’s Day shirt

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I thought it meant forever bothering Italians at least that’s what the mob thought lol. I need FBI Full Blooded Irish St. Patrick’s Day shirt. Some of the best friends I ever had were full-blooded Italians. Forensic Files profiles intriguing crimes, accidents, and outbreaks of disease from around the world. Follow coroners, medical examiners, law enforcement personnel and legal experts as they seek the answers to baffling and mysterious cases. Buy this shirt:  FBI Full Blooded Irish St. Patrick’s Day shirt https://trangshirt.livejournal.com/2238.html http://nicefrogstes.over-blog.com/2019/03/fbi-full-blooded-irish-st.patrick-s-day-shirt.html https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/fbi-full-blooded-irish-st-patrick-s-day-shirt

All I need is this wine and that other wine and this wine here shirt

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Y’all giving this film shit but have forgotten leprechaun in space and All I need is this wine and that other wine and this wine here and that wine over there and shirt! Remember when he drove a tiny ass car and got stopped by the cop. That’s different it was made with the original leprechaun big difference. So how did he make it from space to the hood? Hey now I liked it leprechaun in space but I feel you on Leprechaun in the Hood though. Buy this shirt:  All I need is this wine and that other wine and this wine here shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/all-i-need-is-this-wine-and-that-other-wine-and-this-wine-here-shirt https://www.teezily.com/all-i-need-is-this-wine-and-that-shirt https://trangshirt.livejournal.com/1865.html